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Laura's Thoughts

Monday, September 26, 2005

It's been awhile

..since my last post, but then so much has happened in the past month that I intended to blog about, I never had time to write it all up. So instead I decided to go for the semi-brief summary version for those faithful few who might favor my blog with a quick perusal. (Ok, I admit it, I just wanted to use the word perusal in there. It's almost as much fun as ellipses!)

In the past month I...
1. Flew back to Dallas for a week and a half vacation with my family. (Ok, technically this was back in the first part of August, but who's being technical?)

2. Moved to a condo up in Kirkland and had great fun exploring the waterfront area. That was my first move without having family around to help with everything, but thanks to the kindness of new friends willing to spend their evening carrying heavy boxes and furniture, I made it! I've decided I definitely need to get rid of about half my stuff before I move again though. :)

3. Spent a lovely Labor Day rowing on Lake Washington, trying my first sushi, and exploring Snoqualmie Falls.

4. Did the Puyallup Fair with Jenny & Jill (my original roommies up here), and had a great time trying scones and elephant ears and all the other great fair food of the Northwest.

5. Participated in my first dance performance, after spending several dozen hours practicing the vienneze waltz over the last coupla weeks. Performing is definitely not my thing; but it was a lot of fun still.

6. Attended a behind the scenes tour of the Seattle Opera; I've never yet seen an opera (ok, other than one on VHS my mom rented from the library years ago), but it was fascinating seeing the costuming area and hearing about the voice coaching and how they work with supers (the opera version of Hollywood extras) to fill in the minor characters.

6. My mom flew up from Dallas to see the performance and stay for a week; we've had a great time so far trying new foods and lots of mom-daughter talks. I've really enjoyed getting to introduce her to friends up here as well as seeing the church I've been attending up here, Crossroads Bible Church.

7. Which brings me to my last blurb for today - I've decided it's time to commit to a church family up here and went through the new members class last weekend. Still miss my church back in Richardson, but once again God has answered my prayers and given much more than I asked.

A rather lengthy post this has turned out to be, and yet still covers such a small fraction of what I would tell, but now at least I can return to posting on random bits of interest without feeling guilty for skipping all the in betweens. :)


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

I guess I should do a post like this myself one of these days. Meanwhile, maybe you can tell us about your condo! I'll bet it beats my dorm room hands down... and besides, it's called a "condo", so it has to be nice, right?

It sounds like except for the labor of moving, you've been busy in the way of having lots of fun. :-) It's the best way.

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I'll hafta post some pictures of my new place and roommate one of these days. :)

Somehow when I hear the word condo, I always think of a place on the beach with a balcony overlooking the ocean. Mine's not in quite so scenic a spot, but if you use a bit of imagination, the low traffic rumble sounds rather like surf rolling in.


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