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Laura's Thoughts

Friday, September 02, 2005

Modern Magic

The weekly newsletter for the Exchange team usually includes a coupla just because items; today's issue features an Invisibility Cloak (though not quite so cool as Harry's) developed by the U of Tokyo.

Check out the video of this thing then read over the article and if you can explain to me how it works, you get 5 coolnitude points.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Colin said...

Real* Invisibility** Cloak*!

* only works in highly prepared locations

* well, reduced visibility

* as long as you look at it from the right angle

* poncho

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments... I saw you IM'd me the other day and just got around to googling you down. either send me another or e-mail me....

nfritts [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com


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