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Laura's Thoughts

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Enter an artist, band, movie, director, or actor, and it draws out a map showing that "item" relationship to others. Nodes in the graph are color coded as to whether they are related by content/subject, artist or director. Very cool for finding new music or movies to try.
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Colr Pickr

Ok, this is just cool. As you hover over a color or adjust the saturation, it pulls a dozen pictures from Flckr. URL: http://krazydad.com/colrpickr/

Cool Site - Colr Pickr

Ok, this is just cool. As you hover over a color or adjust the saturation, it pulls a dozen pictures from Flckr. URL: http://krazydad.com/colrpickr/

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stock Research - Florida Rock Industries

Purely for the selfish motives of tracking my stock research, here's some articles which sparked my interest in FRK:

17 Stocks that Always Go Up - Wallstreet Journal

Florida Rocks On - Motley Fool

Annual Report for FRK

Summary: Construction. Quarries sand & gravel, processes concrete & cement, currently in short supply world-wide. Has 30yrs of rock reserves and $70mil cash. Still run by its founders, pays 1.7% dividend and earnings have grown 20% annually for past 20yrs.

Concerns: 50% of sales are residential, housing market expected to slow in coming years. Mostly does business in Florida, more risky than more diversified construction companies.

Current price: 53.57
P/E: 21.43
EPS: 2.50
Market cap: 3.51bil
52wk high & low: 67.98 - 36.00
Avg vol: 691k

Not buying yet, but mulling it over...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who needs a hybrid...

...when your car might already be able to run on ethanol, a fuel that can be created from agricultural by-products such as corn husks or grass. In Brazil, the majority of cars can run on either fossil fuels or ethanol, and according to this CNN article, there's already some five million cars on the road with engines able to switch between such biofuels and your regular gas.

Might even prove to be a better solution to our oil dependency than convincing our fellow countrymen to trade in their SUV's for a Smart Car.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Finding God's Purpose

As I have yet to find a timeline with the rest of my life laid out in detail, I'm often trying to figure out what exactly God had in mind when He created me. So when I got this article by John Thomas in my email, I decided to post about it here as the author makes some very sound points of which I need frequent reminding:

In the same way that a hiker must orient himself to true north before he can begin his journey, so we must orient (and continue re-orienting) ourselves to the absolute truth that life is not to be driven by what makes us happy, but by what brings God glory. That is life's "true north." Only by doing so will we ever begin to experience the fulfillment and adventure of life. So, the better way to ask your question is this, "How could I live my life in such a way that brings God the most glory?"

Thomas perceives God's purpose for our lives as a combination of three separate but inter-related questions:
1. What is God's will for me as a human being?
2. What is God's Will for me as a female?
3. And lastly, what is His Will for me as a unique individual?

The answers to the first two seem fairly clear to me from Scripture, so while I would like (or at least think I would like) to know where I'll be twenty years from now, I suppose I'll have to keep working on the first two until God shows me what's next. :-)