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Laura's Thoughts

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Memorizing God's Word (in slightly larger chunks)


Monday, April 10, 2006

The Church vs the World

My friend Ian posted a link to this article by John Fischer entitled The Separation of Church and Hate, and it's such excellent food for thought I had to post it here as well.

Seeing a bumperstick begging Christians to "seperate church & hate" prompted the author to question what gives the world such a view of Christianity that we're so often identified with hate, when Christ said the world is to know we're His followers by our love. My first reaction to this was to take up my defense that the church is under seige by the enemy's forces and must stand up against the influences of the world. But while this has its share of truth, it is most essential to humbly consider how I've contributed to this problem.

Fischer lists five reasons why the church has such a reputation:
1) We have been more focused on sin than the sinner.

2) We have been more concerned with creating a safe society than with making a positive impact on culture.

3) We have bought into the notion that we could effect a change upon society through politics.

4) We have opted for morality over the gospel.

5) We have become the self-appointed last line of defense that God doesn’t need and never asked for.

His article goes into much greater detail on each of these points, but I just wanted to point out a couple that struck me the hardest.

First is the idea that we are God's last defense in America. We've all seen the emails and campaigns for keeping God in the Pledge, Christ in Christmas, and the Commandments in the Courtrooms, and I know I for one have participated in my share of boycotts and signed a number of petitions. But I have to admit that none of these things ensure our fellow Americans will come to know the joy of a relationship with their Creator. And while I do think we have some responsibility as American citizens to let our desires be known, when our neighbors feel the need to defend themselves against the Christian Right, it only adds more barriers preventing them from seeing the glory of God in our lives.

[to be continued...]