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Laura's Thoughts

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Meaning Behind It All

...is really quite uninteresting. That is, the meaning of this blog. Life itself finds meaning from and in our Creator, and apart from that would be quite meaningless as well. But I digress. As this will forever remain (until deleted, of course) my first attempt at blogging, I thought it should contain some insight into the why of my effort.

Blogs have been growing in popularity of late, so my natural tendency was to avoid them due to an ingrained fear of following the crowd. (I can thank my dad for that one.) But it's been a few years now, and blogs don't appear to be going away, so after some long-winded debates with myself I resolved to make use of the technology regardless of its widespread use.

I tend to think through issues by debating them with friends, and when no ears are available I'll argue them with myself. Afterall, I've spent enough time talking them over with my closest friends I can often guess how they would broach certain topics. I'm not sure why I think in this way, except I know I love playing devil's advocate and jumping from one side to the other, so ideally I eventually end up somewhere near the middle. (Depending on the issue of course, there are several exceptions where I intend to keep my rather strong views.)

Unfortunately, in moving to Washington I left my debating buddies behind. And now I've got so many thoughts running through my head with nobody to test them on, that it leaves me quite the confused chatterbox when I find a willing audience. I thought a blog might prove an interesting remedy; once I write down a thought, I can leave it there and only come back to it as I choose, allowing endless room for more thoughts to develop. Or so my theory goes...

I'm sure I'll think of more reasons as I go along, but this will give me enough of an excuse to get started. :-)


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