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Laura's Thoughts

Monday, October 31, 2005

Laura's News Commentary

A reverse sort of babelfish
One of several on-the-fly language translator prototypes from Carnegie Mellon consists of implanting electrodes in a person's cheeks converts facial muscle movements into speech. So while you're babbling away in English, your listeners might be hearing you in Spanish, Cantonese and Esperanto simultaneously.

School keeps students from See You at the Pole
A New Jersey school barred students from holding a See You at the Pole rally last month. Students were ordered to cease praying and stand out of site of arrive school buses as they were "mixing church and state". After the Alliance Defense Fund lawyer Jeremy Tedesco intervened to educate the school as to the First Amendment rights of their students to pray on campus, the students were allowed a do-over event. Tedesco notes that "the student-led prayer assembly ended up being a huge success, garnering more attention and participation than it would have had the students been allowed to proceed with their original plans."

ACLU Exposed on Fox News
Bill O'Reilly of Fox News recently exposed the ACLU for it's attempts at imposing totalitarianism on America in their attemps to bypass public voter's choice on public policy by judicial activism. In particular, the ACLU filed a brief in support of Oregon's Supreme Court ruling in favor of live sex shows, on the basis of freedom of expression, a ruling that would have been defeated if left to the voter's who recently voted down gay marriage. The ACLU also supports the North American Man Boy Love Association and endorses virtual child pornography, all under the claim of freedom of expression.

Top 10 Best and Worst Prime-time TV for Family Viewing
I'm not much of a TV fan, but it's interesting to watch the changing trends of what's popular in our general culture. Unfortunately, the Parents Television Council's yearly review could find only 9 shows to add to their Best for Family Viewing list. Fox gets the award for the worst shows, most of which are advertized as "family friendly". The worst ones included The Family Guy, CSI, The O.C., Desparate Housewives, That 70's Show. On the good side, there's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Dancing With the Stars, Three Wishes, American Idol, Reba, 7th Heaven and several new ones I've never heard of. For a full list of shows and a review of each, check out the linked article.

How much is your savings account earning?
Ok, ok, this is another shameless plug for my online bank, but I've had such a great experience with them that I can't help but want to recommend them to everyone I know. When I opened my account with them, they were paying interest rates of 2.9% and have continuosly gone up from there so they now pay 3.4% as opposed to the .5% my First Tech savings generates. Might not sound like much, but a few percentage points difference really starts to add up. Not ideal for all situations as transfers are not immediate, but makes a great savings account for money you won't need for a while. If interested, let me know and I'll send you a referral email; you get $25 for opening a new account and I get $10. Though in all honesty, I'd recommend them even if I didn't get a bonus. :)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Exchange 2003 SP2

Part of what I've been working on in my first 7 months at Microsoft; I started here just in time to participate in the final testing efforts before releasing the service pack.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

JibJab's Big Box Mart

Big Box Mart is JibJab's latest satirical take on American consumerism and outsourcing. Of curious side-note, they're now being distributed via MSN as opposed to Yahoo.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

I especially love the last two. And I must say there's some most creative uses for ladders here. :)


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Iraqi Christians Aid New Orleans Church

The members of Kurdzman Church in Iraq saw footage of the devastation from Hurricane Katrina and contacted World Compassion to see how they could help. The church's 300 members sent a $1,000 check to Adullam Christian Fellowship in New Orleans.

Millett (Pastor of Adullum Christian Fellowship) was surprised to learn that a congregation in Iraq was helping out his church members in their time of need. "I know that they can understand what it's like to be devastated since, of course, they just went through that," he says. "St. Bernard Parish looks like it has been bombed and then flooded, and so I have a kindred spirit now with my brothers in Iraq."

With all that Christians in Iraq are going through, I thought this was an incredible example of sacrificial giving.