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Laura's Thoughts

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Iraqi Christians Aid New Orleans Church

The members of Kurdzman Church in Iraq saw footage of the devastation from Hurricane Katrina and contacted World Compassion to see how they could help. The church's 300 members sent a $1,000 check to Adullam Christian Fellowship in New Orleans.

Millett (Pastor of Adullum Christian Fellowship) was surprised to learn that a congregation in Iraq was helping out his church members in their time of need. "I know that they can understand what it's like to be devastated since, of course, they just went through that," he says. "St. Bernard Parish looks like it has been bombed and then flooded, and so I have a kindred spirit now with my brothers in Iraq."

With all that Christians in Iraq are going through, I thought this was an incredible example of sacrificial giving.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

That's amazing.


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