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Laura's Thoughts

Monday, June 20, 2005

A Big Woops for U of KA and the McD of the Future

Seems the University of Kansas got itself into a little trouble when someone sent a group email to all those students on financial aid who were failing all their classes. An easy but rather embarrassing mistake to make. I've seen this happen several times with mailing lists I've been on or service I'd bought when someone fails to understand the purpose of BCC. And then you've got the rash of spam as everyone replies all to complain about their email being visible.

Another news clip that got my attention this morning was on the McDonald's of the future. New ideas being played with at the flagship restraunt include WiFi internet access, plasma TV's and kiosks for burning CDs and downloading ring tones. And if that's not enough to attract today's techie crowd, how about a latte with that Big Mac?


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