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Laura's Thoughts

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Midnight Rambles

Just got home from a fun evening of dancing, and I'm still a bit too wired for sleep so I thought I'd make another post. Well technically, we finished dancing two and a half hours ago, but several of us went to Denny's afterwards. Not being up for a full dinner as I'd tried a terriyaki place right before the dance, I had a nutritious midnight snack of hashbrowns and gravy. And two cups of hot chocolate. (The nice waitress kept bringing out refills!) Was good stuff though, I hadn't had hashbrowns and gravy since before all the Shoney's in Dallas closed some years back.

Anyways... tonight's dance was a lot of fun as more guys than girls showed up for a change, but my feet will be paying for it the next few days. They had an open merengue lesson right before the dance, and as I'd shown up a little early and they were short a girl, I got a free dance lesson. I'd been talking to a lady and hadn't been paying much attention to the lesson until the instructor decided to use me for a demo; great way to learn a new step. It's fun being a follower. :-)

I learned a bit more WC Swing in my private lesson before the dance party, so tried out a bit of that tonight and discovered my feet haven't quite learned their place. It's a rather confusing dance though... most figures are done to six counts, but a few switch to eight counts just to throw you off. That's my excuse anyways. :) I'm going to a couple WC Swing workshops tomorrow afternoon in Kirkland, so I figured it'd be good to try out the basics beforehand at least. I'm probably getting in over my head, but several of us from the studio are going, so I figured it'll be fun anyways.

Hmm... this is entirely too lengthy and I'm still not tired, so I think it's time for another couple chapters of Harry Potter.


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