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Laura's Thoughts

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Well my plans for today didn't turn out like I'd originally designed, so I decided to have a restful day of it and do absolutely nothing. Well, not quite nothing, but nothing planned at least. I still couldn't manage to sleep late, which kind of stinks since I didn't go to bed till after 2 again, but I had fun catching up on some cleaning and laundry this morning. I'm very rarely motivated to clean, but it feels really good not having that stack of junk mail on my desk anymore.

After some delicious leftovers from our "morale lunch" at work yesterday, I thought I'd traverse some more of Redmond's parks. I'd seen some delightful views driving up W Lake Sammamish right in the middle of the city that I'd been wanting to explore for some time. Marymoor's great, but it's more of an athletic field, doggie park than an enjoy-the-solitude park. I found a pretty bike trail that goes right along the river I followed for quite a ways. It was a little too crowded and civilized for my tastes though, so I thought I'd cross over and venture back down on the other side. It was definitely a bit more wild, if not quite as pretty.

After some time of tramping through grasses that were somewhat taller than me and thoroughly mudding my shoes, I neared the end of the little trail to find a three inch deep puddle between me and civilization. Oddly enough, there was a nice log crossing it, and as I decided that would be preferable over venturing back the way I'd come, I proceeded to spend a very long five minutes inching my way across the rather wobbly bridge. I'm afraid a good sense of balance is not one of my strong points, and I was most certain I would have very damp feet before I reached the other side, but somehow I made it. I've always read wobbly legs, but don't remember ever having experienced them until I got out on that log. Rather embarrassing when I remind myself it was only a puddle, even if it was a somewhat deep one. (And yes, I do realize I used wobbly twice in the same paragraph, but not even thesaurus.com could come up with a better alternative. Thankfully, the log and my knees were wobblying at the same frequency...)

Anyway, once across, I took this photo to commemorate my grand feat then celebrated with a smoothie and a book I bought for my mom and have to read before I take it to her next weekend.
Log bridge


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