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Laura's Thoughts

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Monad Gets Slashdotted

One of my favorite Windows projects, Monad will be replacing the old Windows command prompt. Lots of fun functionality and completely object oriented, piping through objects instead of text. Nice scripting capabilities, and query results are returned as .NET objects for easy manipulation. What really caught my attention when I attended a demo several weeks back was the ability to map anything, such as the registery, to a drive which you can browse just like any old directory.

URL: http://it.slashdot.org/it/05/06/09/1219213.shtml?tid=201&tid=218

Other Monad links:
Instructions for getting the Monad beta
Jason Nadal's Blog on Monad
Chat Trascript with Monad Devs


At 3:52 PM, Blogger Colin said...

The one feature that really impressed me was the example line of
dir *.html | pick name, size | excelout > webpages.xls

But pretty much everything else I've read about it has been standard in other shells for years. Nice to see MS playing catchup, but why the incredible wait? (when's monad going to be released again?)

FYI, if you care, there's already a utility that ships with XP for doing that "mount a directory as a drive" trick - drop to a shell and type "subst /?"

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Nice... Yet another of many commands I never knew existed. But can you mount the registry to a drive?

And I'd like to say they're holding off on monad so it will be a nicely polished shell with all the features you could ever want, but I'll be honest and say I don't know instead.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Laura said...

My experience with bash scripts were limited to homework and yanking images of online comic strips to update my screensaver with, so I don't have much to compare Monad too. But I like what I've seen of it.

Unfortunately, the built-in commands use a completely different naming system than either cmd or the linux shells. I'm supposed to be using it as my main shell at work now, but until I have time to alias all the commands back to their *nix or cmd equivalents I've gotta keep my cmd prompt open anyways. Oh well.


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