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Laura's Thoughts

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Salsa Lessons

Having just returned from my second salsa dance party, I thought I would make note of several lessons I learned tonight in hopes of improving in these areas for next week.

1. Glide, don't bounce!
2. Don't anticipate moves, relax and follow the guy's lead.
3. Listen to the music and step in time with the little cow bell. Unfortunately, I still have a difficult time hearing the cow bell thing, but I'll work on that.
4. Keep elbows in, unless you want to give the guy a bloody nose.
5. Wearing extra layers of socks helps if your shoes are too big, even if it does look a little tacky.
6. It's better to look tacky than to deal with blisters.
7. Dancing in socks is not a good option if you hope to stay on your feet after a series of quick spins.
8. Long hair should be tied back while dancing salsa, preferably in a bun.
9. When a hand is free, keep it about hip height out to the side so the guy can find it when needed.
10. Don't extend arms any more than needed. The closer you keep them in, the quicker you can follow the guys lead. Arms should never be straight, unless you enjoy shoulder injuries.

It's amazing how many good dancers are willing to take the time to work with a beginner; I feel like I just had two hours of private lessons with half a dozen different teachers for $5. I'm afraid my knees are going to be hurting tomorrow though...


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