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Laura's Thoughts

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Microsoft, Pho and Me

I feel like a true Microsoftie now; put in a nearly 12 hours today and was strongly considering driving back up after salsa to check on my test cases. Ok, I did have a kinda long lunch in there; tried my first Vietnamese food, a dish called pho. It's this soup with lots of noodles, meat and tendons (which were suprisingly pretty good) that you eat with chopsticks. Was a little messy, but alot of fun. Now what would be even more fun would be to show up at work tomorrow and find that all my test cases passed. Wishful thinking.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Yeah, I went with a friend from work who often frequents this little Vietnamese place; not something I think I'd ever have tried on my own. They bring out this big plate full of leaves, bean sprouts and other stuff you crumble up into it, then you top it off with lots of some really thick sauce stuff and stir it all up. It was pretty tasty by the time we got around to eating it. :)

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I think it's a good thing I didn't go back last night, I doubt I'd ever have made it home. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning at 6 thinking about those ol' cases until I finally just got up and went on in to work. Made for a long day since I ended up there till 7 anyways, but it was rather nice having a couple quiet hours to work out my stuff.


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