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Laura's Thoughts

Friday, November 11, 2005

Virtual Real Estate Investing

This guy just paid out $100,000 for a piece of property that exists only on a harddrive:

Jacobs, an independent film director, recently invested six figures in a virtual space station in the online game "Project Entropia." He theorizes that the fertile hunting grounds, night clubs and housing on his new property will far more than repay his hefty outlay.

And while some might question the sanity of putting Ferrari money into an investment that would have no value if "Project Entropia" ever folded, Jacobs feels he is on safe ground.

It's been interesting watching the development of trade of online goods, but the idea of investing in imaginary goods seems to go against the grain of common sense. Though I guess it's not much different than making a living off the stock market without actually producing anything tangible for the good of society.


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