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Laura's Thoughts

Friday, May 20, 2005

Rainy Day Thoughts

The windows at the top of the stairwell in the building where I work have a perfect rainy day view. On clear days, you can see Lake Sammamish and what I've been told is Mt. Baker, but on rainy days you just see the ghosts of tree tops peeking out through the fog.

Then there's this row of trees right beside my building that appear permanently bent under the wind. At least, they look much more windblown than they should have given the mild weather. Anyways, I love watching them as they remind me of watching thunderstorms when we stayed in a house on the beach in Mexico several years ago -
watching the sky turn yellow-green, the dark clouds rolling in with the low rumblings of thunder and the winds blowing so strong the palm trees flip wrong-side out. And then the rain coming down in such torrents you couldn't hear your own voice over the sound.

I think I'm suffering from thunderstorm withdrawal, but I'm praying for a good one when I fly back to Texas next weekend. Well, after my plane lands that is. :)


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