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Laura's Thoughts

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Salsa Lessons Part 2

Just got back from my first private lesson in salsa, and have a couple points to work on this week.

For turns:
1. Practice spotting - keep your focus on your partner while you turn. This helps you stop when you're facing forwards again, as well as not getting quite so dizzy.
2. Keep arm at 90 degree angle, don't need to lift it over your head.
3. Use your shoulder to get momentum for the turn.
4. You can drag your trailing foot to slow down the turn prior to stopping.
5. I sure thought there was a fifth one, but it's already slipped my mind...

For style & latin rhythym:
1. For each step, put down the ball of your foot followed by the heel.
2. Practice hip movement by shifting weight - bend & straigten leg
3. Small steps!


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