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Laura's Thoughts

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Weekend Plans and Hi to Mom & Dad :-)

As usual, my weekend plans turned out nothing like I'd expected, but were rather more enjoyable than I'd planned. I'd made up my mind to do absolutely nothing on Saturday. Well, nothing other than getting my oil changed, apartment hunting, and a long walk with a book at least. Instead I spent a fun afternoon in downtown Seattle trying out French pastries, taking the Underground Tour, and meeting some new friends. I figure my car's waited a month for that oil change, it can surely take one more week. :)

Then on Sunday the young adult group at my church had a bbq at a park on Lake Sammamish. It was a little chilly out, and it still seems really odd to me to be wearing a jacket in the middle of June, but it was a beautiful day to spend outside. A number of people were out of town this weekend, but we had a great time tossing a frisbee around and knocking it out of trees.

On another note, my mom just told me that she and my dad, my aunt and a few friends have been reading my blog/website, so I just wanted to say hi to all of them and feel free to leave comments. (Click the comments link after a post, write something in the text box, select Anonymous and click Publish.) Blogs work as a sort of conversation over the web, and can be a fun way to keep in touch with people. :)


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